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部門/Ruby/Evernote APIを使う/PDFから新規ノート作成」(2014/06/01 (日) 15:56:50) の最新版変更点



解説はなしで。めもとして置いておく。ほとんどコピペ。Macのmdlsコマンドを使ってる。sandbox=trueかfalseをちゃんと指定しないと動かないっぽい。Oauth使うのめんどうだったのでdeveloper tokenを使った。 **pedf2evernote.rb https://dev.evernote.com/intl/jp/doc/start/ruby.php を参考につくった。 #highlight(ruby,linenumber){{#!/usr/bin/ruby # Load libraries required by the Evernote OAuth sample applications require 'oauth' require 'oauth/consumer' # Load Thrift & Evernote Ruby libraries require "evernote_oauth" require "./make_note.rb" def developer_token YOUR_DEVELOPER_TOKEN end client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new( token: developer_token, # sandbox: true sandbox: false ) #user_store = client.user_store #user_store.getUser(developer_token) note_store = client.note_store notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks() notebooks.each do |notebook| puts "Notebook: #{notebook.name}" end filename1 = ARGV[0] file1 = File.open(filename1,"rb"){ |io| io.read } data1 = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Data.new() data1.body = file1 resource1 = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Resource.new() resource1.mime = "application/pdf" resource1.data = data1 resource1.attributes = Evernote::EDAM::Type::ResourceAttributes.new() resource1.attributes.fileName = filename1 mdlsrslt1=`mdls -name kMDItemWhereFroms #{filename1}` sourceURL1 = mdlsrslt1.split("\"")[1] resources = [resource1] sourceURLs = [sourceURL1] comment=ARGV[1] created = `mdls -name kMDItemContentCreationDate #{filename1}` lastmod = `mdls -name kMDItemContentModificationDate #{filename1}` lastused = `mdls -name kMDItemLastUsedDate #{filename1}` mdls = "This PDF was :<br /> created at #{created.split("=")[1]} <br /> modified at#{lastmod.split("=")[1]} <br /> Last used at#{lastused.split("=")[1]}<br /> on PC from mdls information." make_note(note_store,filename1, comment, resources, sourceURLs, mdls)}} **make_note.rb だいたいこれ → https://gist.github.com/evernotegists/3c9b62e83684b2e864b1 #highlight(ruby,linenumber){{def make_note(note_store, note_title, note_body, resources=[], sourceURLs=[], mdls) parent_notebook=nil, #Create a Note instance with title and body # Send Note object to user's account our_note = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note.new our_note.title = note_title ## Build body of note n_body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" n_body += "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd\">" n_body += "<en-note>#{note_body}" unless resources.empty? ### Add Resource objects to note body n_body += "<br /><br />" our_note.resources = resources resources.each do |resource| hash_func = Digest::MD5.new hexhash = hash_func.hexdigest(resource.data.body) # n_body += "Attachment with hash #{hexhash}: <br /><en-media type=\"#{resource.mime}\" hash=\"#{hexhash}\" /><br />" n_body += "<br /><en-media type=\"#{resource.mime}\" hash=\"#{hexhash}\" /><br />" end end n_body += "<br /><br />" n_body += mdls n_body += "</en-note>" our_note.content = n_body our_note.tagNames = ["PDFUploader"] our_note.attributes = Evernote::EDAM::Type::NoteAttributes.new() our_note.attributes.sourceURL = sourceURLs[0] ## Attempt to create note in Evernote account begin note = note_store.createNote(our_note) rescue Evernote::EDAM::Error::EDAMUserException => edue ## Something was wrong with the note data ## See EDAMErrorCode enumeration for error code explanation ## http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/Errors.html#Enum_EDAMErrorCode puts "EDAMUserException: #{edue}" rescue Evernote::EDAM::Error::EDAMNotFoundException => ednfe ## Parent Notebook GUID doesn't correspond to an actual notebook puts "EDAMNotFoundException: Invalid parent notebook GUID" end ## Return created note object note end}} *参考リンク -[[Getting Started with the Evernote API - Evernote Developers>https://dev.evernote.com/intl/jp/doc/start/ruby.php]] -[[RubyからEvernoteのAPIを使ってみよう - (゚∀゚)o彡 sasata299's blog>http://blog.livedoor.jp/sasata299/archives/51871375.html]] -[[Evernoteをプログラムから使う。Ruby編 - それマグで!>http://takuya-1st.hatenablog.jp/entry/20120313/1331633097]] *コメント #comment_num2()
EvernoteによくPDFを置いておくのだけど、Macに公式のclientを入れておくと全部同期するので容量取るのでじゃま。でもWeb clientは使いにくい。uploadだけでも簡単にやりたかったのでつくった。そのうち検索もつくりたい。 解説はなしで。めもとして置いておく。ほとんどコピペ。Macのmdlsコマンドを使ってる。sandbox=trueかfalseをちゃんと指定しないと動かないっぽい。Oauth使うのめんどうだったのでdeveloper tokenを使った。 **pedf2evernote.rb https://dev.evernote.com/intl/jp/doc/start/ruby.php を参考につくった。 #highlight(ruby,linenumber){{#!/usr/bin/ruby # Load libraries required by the Evernote OAuth sample applications require 'oauth' require 'oauth/consumer' # Load Thrift & Evernote Ruby libraries require "evernote_oauth" require "./make_note.rb" def developer_token YOUR_DEVELOPER_TOKEN end client = EvernoteOAuth::Client.new( token: developer_token, # sandbox: true sandbox: false ) #user_store = client.user_store #user_store.getUser(developer_token) note_store = client.note_store notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks() notebooks.each do |notebook| puts "Notebook: #{notebook.name}" end filename1 = ARGV[0] file1 = File.open(filename1,"rb"){ |io| io.read } data1 = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Data.new() data1.body = file1 resource1 = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Resource.new() resource1.mime = "application/pdf" resource1.data = data1 resource1.attributes = Evernote::EDAM::Type::ResourceAttributes.new() resource1.attributes.fileName = filename1 mdlsrslt1=`mdls -name kMDItemWhereFroms #{filename1}` sourceURL1 = mdlsrslt1.split("\"")[1] resources = [resource1] sourceURLs = [sourceURL1] comment=ARGV[1] created = `mdls -name kMDItemContentCreationDate #{filename1}` lastmod = `mdls -name kMDItemContentModificationDate #{filename1}` lastused = `mdls -name kMDItemLastUsedDate #{filename1}` mdls = "This PDF was :<br /> created at #{created.split("=")[1]} <br /> modified at#{lastmod.split("=")[1]} <br /> Last used at#{lastused.split("=")[1]}<br /> on PC from mdls information." make_note(note_store,filename1, comment, resources, sourceURLs, mdls)}} **make_note.rb だいたいこれ → https://gist.github.com/evernotegists/3c9b62e83684b2e864b1 #highlight(ruby,linenumber){{def make_note(note_store, note_title, note_body, resources=[], sourceURLs=[], mdls) parent_notebook=nil, #Create a Note instance with title and body # Send Note object to user's account our_note = Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note.new our_note.title = note_title ## Build body of note n_body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" n_body += "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd\">" n_body += "<en-note>#{note_body}" unless resources.empty? ### Add Resource objects to note body n_body += "<br /><br />" our_note.resources = resources resources.each do |resource| hash_func = Digest::MD5.new hexhash = hash_func.hexdigest(resource.data.body) # n_body += "Attachment with hash #{hexhash}: <br /><en-media type=\"#{resource.mime}\" hash=\"#{hexhash}\" /><br />" n_body += "<br /><en-media type=\"#{resource.mime}\" hash=\"#{hexhash}\" /><br />" end end n_body += "<br /><br />" n_body += mdls n_body += "</en-note>" our_note.content = n_body our_note.tagNames = ["PDFUploader"] our_note.attributes = Evernote::EDAM::Type::NoteAttributes.new() our_note.attributes.sourceURL = sourceURLs[0] ## Attempt to create note in Evernote account begin note = note_store.createNote(our_note) rescue Evernote::EDAM::Error::EDAMUserException => edue ## Something was wrong with the note data ## See EDAMErrorCode enumeration for error code explanation ## http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/Errors.html#Enum_EDAMErrorCode puts "EDAMUserException: #{edue}" rescue Evernote::EDAM::Error::EDAMNotFoundException => ednfe ## Parent Notebook GUID doesn't correspond to an actual notebook puts "EDAMNotFoundException: Invalid parent notebook GUID" end ## Return created note object note end}} *参考リンク -[[Getting Started with the Evernote API - Evernote Developers>https://dev.evernote.com/intl/jp/doc/start/ruby.php]] -[[RubyからEvernoteのAPIを使ってみよう - (゚∀゚)o彡 sasata299's blog>http://blog.livedoor.jp/sasata299/archives/51871375.html]] -[[Evernoteをプログラムから使う。Ruby編 - それマグで!>http://takuya-1st.hatenablog.jp/entry/20120313/1331633097]] *コメント #comment_num2()

